Example with QGIS expression as inputs
This script takes several QGIS expression and prints their values from R.
##Expression examples=group
##qgis_version_info=expression @qgis_version_no
##example_value=expression 1+2+3
##example_geometry=expression make_circle( make_point(0, 0), 10)
##example_date=expression make_date(2020,5,4)
##example_time=expression make_time(13,45,30.5)
##example_array=expression array(2, 10, 'a')
Script lines description
- Expression examples is the group of the algorithm.
- Expressions is the name of the algorithm.
- qgis_version_info will be string after the expression is evaluated.
- example_value will be number (integer) after the expression is evaluated.
- example_geometry will be sfg (from sf package) after the expression is evaluated.
- example_date will be POSIXct after the expression is evaluated.
- example_time will be Period (from lubridate package) after the expression is evaluated.
- example_array will be list of values after the expression is evaluated.
The rest of the lines prints the outputs in R.
Script output
The result may look like this (depending on QGIS version):
1] 32200
[1] 6
POLYGON ((3.06e-15 10, 1.736482 9.848078, 3.420201 9.396926, 5 8.660254, 6.427876 7.660444, 7.660444 6.427876, 8.660254 5, 9.396926 3.420201, 9.848078 1.736482, 10 -2.45e-15, 9.848078 -1.736482, 9.396926 -3.420201, 8.660254 -5, 7.660444 -6.427876, 6.427876 -7.660444, 5 -8.660254, 3.420201 -9.396926, 1.736482 -9.848078, -1.84e-15 -10, -1.736482 -9.848078, -3.420201 -9.396926, -5 -8.660254, -6.427876 -7.660444, -7.660444 -6.427876, -8.660254 -5, -9.396926 -3.420201, -9.848078 -1.736482, -10 1.22e-15, -9.848078 1.736482, -9.396926 3.420201, -8.660254 5, -7.660444 6.427876, -6.427876 7.660444, -5 8.660254, -3.420201 9.396926, -1.736482 9.848078, 3.06e-15 10))
[1] "2020-05-04 CEST"
[1] "13H 45M 30S"
[1] 2
[1] 10
[1] "a"
Generated R script
The code that was actually generated from these expressions and passed to R looks like this:
qgis_version_info <- 32200
example_value <- 6
example_geometry <- sf::st_as_sfc("Polygon ((0.00000000000000306 10, 1.73648177666930459 9.84807753012207954, 3.42020143325668657 9.39692620785908517, 5.00000000000000533 8.66025403784438375, 6.42787609686539696 7.66044443118977814, 7.6604444311897808 6.42787609686539163, 8.66025403784438552 5, 9.39692620785908517 3.42020143325668124, 9.84807753012208131 1.73648177666929904, 10 -0.00000000000000245, 9.84807753012207954 -1.73648177666930392, 9.39692620785908517 -3.42020143325668569, 8.66025403784438907 -4.99999999999999734, 7.66044443118977902 -6.42787609686539607, 6.42787609686539163 -7.66044443118977991, 4.99999999999999645 -8.66025403784438907, 3.42020143325668613 -9.39692620785908517, 1.73648177666930414 -9.84807753012207954, -0.00000000000000184 -10, -1.73648177666930348 -9.84807753012207954, -3.42020143325668924 -9.39692620785908339, -5 -8.6602540378443873, -6.42787609686539607 -7.66044443118977902, -7.66044443118977991 -6.42787609686539252, -8.66025403784438552 -5.00000000000000089, -9.39692620785908161 -3.42020143325669057, -9.84807753012208131 -1.73648177666930015, -10 0.00000000000000122, -9.84807753012208131 1.73648177666930281, -9.39692620785908517 3.42020143325668435, -8.66025403784438552 5.00000000000000444, -7.66044443118977902 6.42787609686539607, -6.42787609686539252 7.66044443118977991, -5.00000000000000089 8.66025403784438552, -3.42020143325669101 9.39692620785908161, -1.73648177666930059 9.84807753012208131, 0.00000000000000306 10))")[[1]]
example_date <- as.POSIXct("2020-05-04", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
example_time <- lubridate::hms("13:45:30")
example_array <- list(2, 10, "a")